Congenital Hyperinsulnism Family Conference Update

CHI and CHOP are very busy making arrangements for the Fourth Congenital Hyperinsulinism Family Conference, being held March 17 and 18 in Philadelphia at CHOP. I’m thrilled to say we have a great line-up of presentations. We have many congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) experts from the professional world coming from around the U.S. and overseas to address individuals and families living with HI. In addition to HI experts, there are speakers coming who have expertise in other areas of vital importance to people living with HI. We will also make sure that people who have come to the conference to learn also have an opportunity to share their experiences, for there is so much to learn from each other. There will also be sessions on advocacy.

Over the next couple of months we will feature previews on the conference presenters so that you know a little something more about each of the speakers. We will learn from experts around the world about what is new and noteworthy in the world of treatment and research. There will also be an opportunity to learn more about the disorder and best practices for managing it. Our intent is to provide information that is valuable for our entire community, whether you are the parents of a new diagnosed baby or an adult who has been living with HI for many, many years. It is also very important to us that the needs and issues of families with children who have focal HI are also addressed. You are very much part of our community. We also envision that children and young adults who come to the conference will get a lot out of their experiences at the conference.

In addition to learning time, there will be time for socializing and networking. On Saturday evening, March 17th, we will hold a dinner for all conference attendees, participants and speakers. It should be fantastic! Please take a look at the conference brochure which is available at You can also email me at if you would like me to send you a brochure in the mail.
