A Chance to Educate Your Doctor

Do you ever feel like your health care providers just don’t know enough about congenital hyperinsulinism and this is a barrier to optimal care? Wouldn’t those providers benefit from learning from the experts in the field? Well, here’s your chance to invite your general practitioner, endocrinologist, or any other medical professional of your choice to a conference devoted to teaching folks in the medical field about how to best care for patients with HI. Congenital Hyperinsulinism International is recommending that you invite the medical personnel in your life to “Monogenic Disorders of Insulin Secretion: Congenital Hyperinsulinism and Neonatal Diabetes,” a symposium being held March 15-16, 2012 at CHOP. Not only will they learn the latest on caring for patients with these disorders, they will also receive Continuing Medical Education Credit. Don’t delay. Tell your health care providers about this opportunity. You can find the brochure at this link: http://www.chop.edu/professionals/educational-resources/continuing-medical-education/cme.html
