Meet Dr. Khalid Hussain

Dr. Khalid Hussain
Written by Julie Raskin

CHI is publishing a series of blog articles on the speakers who will be addressing families attending the Fourth Congenital Hyperinsulinism Family Conference March 17 and 18, 2012, in Philadelphia, PA. In this article, we present Dr. Khalid Hussain.

I first met Dr. Khalid Hussain in June of 2003 at the First Congenital Hyperinsulinism Family Conference held in Philadelphia. When I heard that he was coming I was amazed that Dr. Hussain would travel all the way from London to speak at a conference for families dealing with congenital hyperinsulinism (HI). Upon meeting Dr. Hussain, it all became very clear. This is a man who has dedicated his life to HI families. He is a kind, gentle, and caring person who has lived a life in service to patients with HI. He is also a world renowned researcher.

Dr. Hussain trained in London, England and Melbourne, Australia in the areas of neonatology, endocrinology, and metabolism. His clinical and research focus has always been on understanding the genetic basis of hypoglycemia. He leads the HI service at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. Patients are referred to his practice from all over the world.

“I am fascinated by the mechanisms that lead to HI. Managing patients with HI is a real challenge and I gain a lot of satisfaction when we have sorted out all the medical issues and the patient is able to go home.”

In addition to being such an outstanding doctor, Dr. Hussain understands the importance of building strong patient organizations. He always makes himself available for consultation on any Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) project. He has come to all 5 international programs that CHI has offered. He has also worked very closely with the Children’s Hyperinsulinism Fund in the UK, which has been extremely successful at raising funds for HI research and advocating for HI patients.
