Endocrine Society Dinner Meeting

Please join us for the Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) Endocrine Society Dinner Meeting on June 4, 2011 from 6:30-9:30 PM at the Seaport Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. Dinner meeting participants will have an opportunity to speak informally on a range of topics with members of the CHI Scientific Advisory Group comprised of leading world specialists … Read more


Interesting Research Study

Research that could lead to better treatment of a severe form of congenital hyperinsulinism is described in the current ahead of print edition of the online journal, Diabetes. The research is groundbreaking because it involves correcting the cellular defect that is the cause of the disorder. CHI is proud of the fact that two members … Read more


A WOW Conference: The Genetic Diseases of Children

Have you ever gone to an event where you were so excited about meeting every last person that even waiting on the Ladies Room line was a chance to meet fascinating people? The Genetic Diseases of Children Conference, which is taking place in New York right now, is just such an event. Yesterday, I had … Read more


Today is Rare Disease Day

116 people ordered Congenital Hyperinsulinism International T-shirts to wear today, Rare Disease Day, 2011. The fabulous “Be my sugar.” T-shirts, which are available at http://www.cafepress.com/Congenitalhyperins, were sported in many places around world, in English, French, and Spanish, from Australia, to Canada, to the U.S. We are looking forward to hearing all of your stories about … Read more
