Heddy Landau Remembered

(This remembrance of Heddy Landau is from the Israel Endocrine Society Website and was translated for Congenital Hyperinsulinism International into English from Hebrew by Ada Reiter) Heddy is known to all of us mainly as a mother, a doctor and a good friend. She was a mother to many, her son, daughter and grandchildren and without … Read more


Alyssa’s Lemonade Stand

In most respects, Alyssa Williams is a typical six-year-old. She’s a big fan of swinging, singing and dancing. She enjoys playing with Barbies and spending time with her cousin Morgan and her brother Carl, who is 21 and in the Army. She likes to tickle her daddy and play Squinkies. In addition to doing all … Read more


A Happy July 4th Story

A few weeks ago CJ and Kristin Spackeen left their home in Arizona for the East Coast to pursue the dream of having their child treated at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Their story is one of perseverance with a wonderful result. Their son, William, just over two months old returned home yesterday, on … Read more


CHI Endocrine Society Dinner Meeting Great Success

Saturday Evening, June 23, in Houston, Texas, Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI), in conjunction with the Cook Children’s Hyperinsulinism Center, held a dinner meeting for families affected by congenital hyperinsulinism (HI). It was so wonderful to connect once again with our Texas friends, and fantastic to meet more members of our Texas HI family. We shared … Read more
