Another Rare Form of Hypoglycemia Discovered

Isabel Calderon, Vice President of Congenital Hyperinsulinism International, reports on this very important new discovery: Science magazine recently published the findings of a group of experts which contributes to the understanding of another rare form of hypoglycemia. The main authors, K. Hussain, B. Challis and N. Rocha have identified a genetic mutation in the serine/threonine … Read more


Congenital Hyperinsulinism International Family Support Video Clip

The National Organization of Rare Diseases (NORD) has created a collection of video clips about rare diseases. Last month they visited our family and filmed us as part of this collection. I am so pleased that Congenital Hyperinsulinism International is represented in this video collection and that NORD is promoting the importance of family support … Read more


CHI Patient Champions

An HI diagnosis is often a crisis for the family of a newly diagnosed child. The family must adapt to the responsibilities of caring for a child with very specific needs. To help new families cope with it all, CHI is embarking on a new program linking families of the newly diagnosed with experienced HI … Read more
