Congenital Hyperinsulnism Family Conference Update

CHI and CHOP are very busy making arrangements for the Fourth Congenital Hyperinsulinism Family Conference, being held March 17 and 18 in Philadelphia at CHOP. I’m thrilled to say we have a great line-up of presentations. We have many congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) experts from the professional world coming from around the U.S. and overseas to … Read more


Family Support

The CHI Patient Champions, Amy Sommers, Pam Williams, and Randy Hart came over for lunch last Friday. These three wonderful women are amazing resources for all parents bringing up children with congenital hyperinsulinism (HI). Their contact information is included at the bottom of this post. Here’s a little bit about our visit and our collective … Read more


A Chance to Educate Your Doctor

Do you ever feel like your health care providers just don’t know enough about congenital hyperinsulinism and this is a barrier to optimal care? Wouldn’t those providers benefit from learning from the experts in the field? Well, here’s your chance to invite your general practitioner, endocrinologist, or any other medical professional of your choice to … Read more


Invitation to Participate in Research Study

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is conducting a study looking at long term outcomes in children (and adults) with HI who required surgery. Study participation is brief and can be done over the phone: just an interview with the CHOP fellow, Katherine Lord, about current blood sugar levels and 1-2 developmental screens which can be … Read more
