Saying Goodbye to Chance: Honoring a Life with Action

As parents of children with congenital hyperinsulinism (HI), we often suffer heartbreak and loss. There is so much to mourn: parents of babies diagnosed at birth never get to experience the normal joys and normal anxieties of caring for a newborn. Those whose babies are diagnosed after several months never return to the innocent phase … Read more


FDA Grants Orphan Drug Status to Biodel’s Glucagon

The FDA has granted orphan drug status to Biodel’s stable glucagon for congenital hyperinsulinism patients. This represents one more important milestone in the development of this drug for HI patients. This FDA designation creates a range of financial incentives for the further development of the drug. Earlier this year, Biodel had received orphan drug designation … Read more


Dr. De Leon Is Awarded New Research Grant

Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) is happy to announce that Dr. Diva de Leon of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has just been awarded a $50,000 grant to study “The Effect of GLP-1 Receptor Antagonism on Protein-Induced Hypoglycemia in KATP HI.” The study will examine the effect of exendin-(9-39) — a potent glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) receptor … Read more


A Young Artist With Congenital Hyperinsulinism Honored Tonight

Tonight the artwork of Kivrin Hopkins, a nine year old girl with congenital hyperinsulinism, will be displayed at the Rare Voices Gala in Washington DC, honoring members of congress, congressional staff and patient advocates who have raised the profile of rare diseases. Kivrin’s artwork is a 2012 Grand Prize winner of the Rare Artist Contest … Read more


Save Federal Funding for Rare Diseases

Yesterday I wrote about the very positive near future projections for investments into rare disease drug research and development. We need all of you to take action now to insure that this bright future isn’t threatened by “sequestration,” the automatic budget cuts that are scheduled to take place on January 1, 2013 if action isn’t … Read more
