Hope for the Orphans

At a conference I attended last month in Washington DC, I learned that investors, pharmaceutical companies and researchers see rare disease treatments as a potential “next frontier” in the world of drug and device development. We’re living in a time when the blockbuster meds designed for more common ailments may be becoming less profitable while … Read more


Living with the Aftermath of the Hurricane

Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) is deeply concerned about all congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) families affected by Hurricane Sandy as we head into the first post-storm weekend. As difficult as it is for all of us to live with damage to a home, a car, days without power, telephone, cable, no school, in some cases, no work, … Read more


Whatever Helps Us Through the Night: Monitoring Hypoglycemia

In rural New Jersey, while attending the Walk-a-Thon to support Camp Nejeda, a diabetes summer camp and year-round educational center for children and teenagers with diabetes and their families (full disclosure: my son has attended the summer camp for many years), I had the opportunity to learn a little more about some incredible cutting edge … Read more



Parents who have children with congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) and adults living with the condition continue to wish there were more HI treatment options. While treatment does exist in most cases, it is far from ideal. With the goal of introducing a more effective treatment for patients who are not responsive to diazoxide, researchers at the Children’s … Read more


The New Glucagon App

Wishing all children and teenagers with congenital hyperinsulinism and their families a wonderful start to the school year! As many of our children begin the new school year, it is wonderful to learn that there is a new tool out there that may give HI parents a little peace of mind. Lilly, the makers of … Read more
