Join the HI Global Registry

Are you interested in contributing to hyperinsulinism (HI) research, improving patient care, and seeing a future without lows? Get started today by completing our HIGR surveys and make a SWEET impact on the HI community!

   Get Started
   Already Registered*

*New password required: If you have previously registered to participate in HIGR but have not logged in since before November 10, 2023, please click the Login button and click on the link to “Reset your password”

Who is Eligible to Join?

Who is eligible?

  • Adults with HI
  • Parents/caregivers of people with HI
  • Adults with resolved HI or transitioned to diabetes

HIGR is international! Individuals with HI and their caregivers can participate in HIGR from anywhere in the world. All registry surveys are currently available in English. Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, French, and Korean will be added in late 2023!

How the HI Global Registry Works

Contributing to hyperinsulinism has never been simpler – you can count your steps towards becoming a researcher on one hand!

How to join HIGR

  1. Create an account at our Matrix link
  2. Provide consent to participate
  3. Add a participant
    1. This is if you are completing the surveys on behalf of another person, often if you are their caregiver
  4. Complete the surveys
    1. Follow along with your list of surveys to check them off – each one is targeted to teach us about a specific aspect of HI
  5. Update your survey responses over time
    1. This is so we can understand how HI fluctuates for individuals over time – a vital piece of knowledge!

By contributing your experiences with HI diagnosis, management, health outcomes, and more to HIGR, you can provide researchers with the data they need to understand HI better. Together, we can work towards a better life for those affected by HI.

Learn more about the HI Global Registry

Feeling a little lost? Check out these helpful links:

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