Rare New Jersey Speaks

A raw, biting and cold wind whipped through Trenton, the State Capitol of New Jersey, on March 13, the day Rare New Jersey organized important events in the Capitol to raise awareness of rare diseases. This unusual weather did not dampen the spirit or hinder people–some with significant physical and medical challenges–from making the trip … Read more


All in the Family with Sarah Bates: HI Mom and Wife

Sarah Bates is married to Kenn Bates, born with congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) and is the mother of Rachel, a child with the condition. Sarah is also Parent Research Coordinator for the CHI website. Sarah was recently at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) with her daughter who was taking part in a research study on … Read more


Congenital Hyperinsulinism International Resource Map

Due to the rarity of congenital hyperinsulinism, finding health care facilities and personnel with experience in treating patients with the condition can be a major challenge. Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) seeks to make that search easier with tools and information on leading centers of hyperinsulinism treatment and research. In addition to providing information on leading … Read more


Hyperinsulinism, Patient Stories, The Rare Disease Day 2014 Video

Rianna Sommers, Senior at Muhlenberg College and Congenital Hyperinsulinism International Intern, produced a short documentary film, Hyperinsulinism, Patient Stories, with messages from children and their families living in various locales around the world with congenital hyperinsulinism (HI). The film includes excerpts produced by the families themselves describing the experience of living with the condition, in … Read more


Raring to Go for CHI!

CHI is pumped to announce we will be participating in the first Million Dollar Bike Ride sponsored by The Penn Medicine Center for Orphan Disease Research and Therapy (CODRT) on May 3, 2014. This event will raise awareness of rare diseases while raising funds for rare disease research. Our team, the “Raring to Go for … Read more
