Pediatric Inclusion Roundtable: Effective Inclusion of Children Early in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials Roundtable

On Tuesday, Tai Pasquini, CHI’s Chief Research Officer attended the Pediatric Inclusion Roundtable: Effective Inclusion of Children Early in Clinical Trials in Washington, DC. The event was hosted by FARA, a rare disease patient organization, and Leavitt Partners, a law firm, along with stakeholders across the rare disease community. Prominent leaders from the FDA, NIH, … Read more


Tai visits the Massachusetts State House

Tai from CHI at Massachusetts State House

As a global organization, our staff at Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) have opportunities to assist patients and doctors in faraway places. Every so often there is a nearby opportunity, allowing our staff to engage face-to-face within their home state. There is a special connection in getting to answer to the needs of the rare disease … Read more


When it isn’t Hyperinsulinism

One of the missions of Congenital Hyperinsulinism International is to be there for all who journey through the diagnostic odyssey, often leading them to a diagnosis of congenital hyperinsulinism. Sometimes, along the way, hypoglycemia continues to be present, but it is not clear the cause is hyperinsulinism. Danielle’s story is one such story and we … Read more
