CHI Hosted Dinner @ LWPES/ESPE Meeting

Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) held a dinner meeting in New York City at the Beacon Restaurant on September 11, 2009. There were 56 people attending in all, including HI patients, parents, nurses, physicians, researchers, and other professionals from the health care industry. The meeting also brought together members of the newly formed CHI Scientific Advisory … Read more


Accuracy of Home Glucose Monitors Questioned –

Euglycemia, or a normal concentration of sugar in the blood, is an important goal for all people living with congenital hyperinsulinism (HI).  A reliable glucometer, a device that measures the concentration of glucose in the blood is an important tool helping those with HI achieve euglycemia.  One of the ongoing issues for those that use … Read more


Announcement: LWPES Dinner

CHI will be hosting a dinner meeting on September 11, 2009 at the Beacon, 25 West 56th St., NY, NY.  Adults and teens with HI are invited to attend as are the parents, grandparents and caregivers of children with HI.  Members of CHI and the newly formed CHI Scientific Advisory Group, including pediatric endocrinologists who … Read more
